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Packaging Automation

One solution, inside PeopleSoft, for all your financial aid needs

Packaging Automation ties together various packaging related processes into one, simple, staff configurable module. Automate FA file transfer, set packaging status to “Ready to Package” and view student packaging statuses, offers, verification statuses, suspended ISIRs, and Checklist Items.

Packaging Automation mockup
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Fully configurable award readiness evaluation tool. Analyze the different criteria preventing students from getting packaged

File Automation - Full automation of Federal Data (Pell, Loan, & ISIR data) Files Automate ISIR, DL, and PELL file processing with integrated TDClient functionality. Schedule File transfer to run after hours.

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File Automation - Full automation of Federal Data (Pell, Loan, & ISIR data) Files Automate ISIR, DL, and PELL file processing with integrated TDClient functionality. Schedule File transfer to run after hours.

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Streamline your loan management process with the Loan Report module. Analyze loan amounts and statuses to identify patterns, address issues, and ensure that students receive the financial support they need in a timely manner.

Optimize financial aid management with detailed insights from the Financial Aid Awards report. Track awarded, offered, and disbursed amounts across different aid types, including federal and state programs.

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Optimize financial aid management with detailed insights from the Financial Aid Awards report. Track awarded, offered, and disbursed amounts across different aid types, including federal and state programs.

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Simplify the verification process with our Federal Verification reporting module. Monitor the status of all student verifications in one place, from those not selected to those requiring immediate attention.

Gain instant visibility into your ISIR Suspense data with this comprehensive reporting tool. Easily track the status of students by ISIR status and identify the reasons for suspensions, allowing you to proactively address issues and streamline the processing of student aid.

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Gain instant visibility into your ISIR Suspense data with this comprehensive reporting tool. Easily track the status of students by ISIR status and identify the reasons for suspensions, allowing you to proactively address issues and streamline the processing of student aid.

Checklist Management interface

Checklist Management - Set filters and view aggregated and student level checklist data. View all students with certain checklists or checklist items, view attachments, and update item status immediately.