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Advisee Relationship Management

Empower your advisors to focus on what truly matters: student success

Enhance the advising process by equipping your advisors with comprehensive tool that streamline the management of their advisees, communications, and appointments. By simplifying administrative tasks, advisors can dedicate more time and energy to meaningful interactions with students, guiding them on their academic journeys. This efficiency not only improves the quality of advising but also fosters a more supportive and responsive environment, ultimately contributing to greater student success.

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Advisors and students can easily communicate, schedule new appointments, and view past appointment notes all in one place.

Administrative Support users have tools to support department advisors and provide front-counter appointment service to students.

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Advisors can easily view comprehensive student information and track cohorts of students via our early-alert capabilities right inside PeopleSoft.

ARM's robust advisor assignment process makes assigning advisors to advisees a breeze.

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With ARM, there are no data integrations or lengthy implementations, and all data is real-time.